Rememberance: Lou Caldwell, W7HX
Lou Caldwell, W7HX (formerly WN7GYR)(Home Tutoring, 1966).
I am a Ted Ryan happy ham story--lived in Encino, took a class from Ted in spring of 1966 at a school in Van Nuys/Panorama City or somewhere in that area, completed the class and they were giving the test the night we left Calif. to return to Washington State, so never was a 6, visited Ted's house several times (I probably was labeled a pest), was building a transmitter (as I remember), and his garage was one giant junk box. He had the patience of Job with me, don't think the xmitter ever got finished. Did finally get my ticket (WN7GYR) in March 67, been active and busy on the air ever since, got this call (W7HX) in May 77. Without Ted, I probably never would have been licensed, nor my interest in Ham radio been so strong as it still is, 40 years later. He was one-of-a-kind, a true gentleman. May his soul rest in Heaven with the largest junkbox every thought of. 73 Lou W7HX
Editor's Note - That school was probably Robert Fulton Jr. High School in Van Nuys.