Photos: JB and its Club's Rigs.
Welcome to the Ted Ryan (WB6JXY) Memorial Amateur Radio Club.
Memorial Page.
1970-1971: Photos, JB.
1971, Ted's Birthday @ JB's Electric Shop.
1972, Ted Outside Electric Shop.
1973, 1975-1976: Photos, JB
1976, Ted's Home Station.
1976, Field Day @ W6SD.
1977-1979: Photos, JB.
1980-1983: Photos, JB.
1989, Instructional Video: Ted Teaches Teachers How to Teach Morse Code.
Ted's Master Class for Code Teachers
Operating JBARC, W6TDM.
Rememberance: Roger Ryan, AA6EO.
Rememberance: Bernie Cutler, KB6NR.
Rememberance: Lou Caldwell, W7HX.
Rememberance: Scott Bornstein, WN6DLM.
Rememberance: Larry Goldstein, PhD, WB6DQI.
Rememberance: Carole (Chava) Danielson, WN6DQK.
Rememberance: Dan Waxer, MD, WB6HBC.
Rememberance: Murray Maidan, WN6LNZ.
Rememberance: Michael Waxer, AIA, WB6IXP.
Rememberance: Cliff Cheng, PhD, AC6C
Rememberance: Marty Joel, WB6JFO
Rememberance: Darryl Harris, WB6FWM.
Rememberance: Colman Fockens, KA6AFO.
Rememberance: Madeline Fockens, KB6IS.
Photos: JB and its Club's Rigs.
Proclaimation: California Governor, Field Day, 2006, W6SD.
Photos: Reunion @ W6SD's Field Day, June 24, 2006.
Photos: Reunion @ W6SD's Field Day, June 23, 2007.
Proclaimation: U.S. Congress.
Proclaimations: California State Senate and Assembly.
Proclaimation: LA School Board at JB, Sept. 2006.
Photos: Visit to JB, 2006.
Proclaimations: LA City and County.
Photo Gallery
Please send any relevant photos to Cliff Cheng, KI6CM, ki6cm --at-- (convert --at-- to @; fools spam bots).
We wish to thank Janne, SM0OFV and his terrific website, for letting us use his Gonset picture. He performs a valuable service in perserving our ham radio heritage.

(above) John Burrough Middle School, Los Angeles (Hancock Park), California, USA - Where Ted spent his professional teaching career (date unknown, downloaded 2005).